Sunday, June 18, 2006


A basic Leilou body shot


Daemon Body Shot

Triple Threat

My two characters, Daemon Strife ((left)) and Leilou Phoenixhart ((right)) with Sephiroth, when they fight against something together they are nearly unbeatable, what with Daemon's trigger happy aim, Leilou's speedy cat-like attacks, and Sephiroth's...well, lust for violence, would you wanna get caught in a battle with them?
Leilou and Daemon are © to me and Sephiroth is © to Square-Enix

Friday, June 16, 2006

Quick Story Pilot

((I'm gonna write a story and you know how people make pilots before they make a TV show to see if other people like it? I decided to do that for my sotyr...which still doesn't have a title, Fenrir, Kajin, Seleke, Aikou, and Ark are all © to Sobou Sachiriku ((me))

Aikou started to speak,
"Could you tell me if there are two people by the names of Fenrir and Kajin Kumori enrolled here?"
"Of course," The auburn haired woman started to type at her key board, "And how would 'Kumori' be spelled?"
She typed some more and Aikou drummed her fingers on the desk, Ark, her little brother, was bearly tall enough to get his chin over the desk, him being only eleven. After ten minutes the woman finally spoke,
"Kumori, Fenrir and Kajin. Yes, they're here..."
"Great!" Aikou exclaimed, "Could we see them please? It's on...well, personal matters."
"...Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, but Kajin is currently in the hospital, and Fenrir won't be seeing any visitors for a while..."
"Hospital? Is he alright?"
"He's fine, just a little accident with some explosives, nothing to worry about, goodbye."
"But, I need to speak with them! It's an emergency!"
The woman stood and walked around her desk, placing her hand in the small of Aikou's back and leading her out the door,
"I'll make sure to tell Ms. Hades you dropped by, good bye children." Aikou took Ark by the wrist and stormed out of the building. Once they were down the street a bit Aikou began to speak,
"What kind of corporation is that? Doesn't let two kids see their older siblings."
"...Kajin's hurt isn't he?" Ark asked,
"I dunno,"
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I don't know, he did something with explosives that got him in the hospital."
Ark went silent as they turned down an alley, "We've gotta do something,"
"No Ark, there's nothing we can do..."
"Aikou, Seleke's gone missing, we live in an abandoned church and we don't even know why Kajin's in the hospital of the friggin Gloriossa Building, something gotta be done!"
Aikou stopped walking and confronted her younger brother "Well what do you expect I do Arkelect?"
"You decide, you're a tenth degree black belt in stealth Aikou, you can enter a room and go unnoticed for twenty minutes, and you blend into darkness perfectly. I can hack into any computer on Gaia, I have an I.Q. of 165 and I'm eleven years old, what do you think we should do?"
Aikou stood silently looking at her brother for a minute before speaking, "I've gotta break into the Gloriossa building."
"You've gotta break into the Gloriossa Building, now c'mon we've got lots of planning to do."

Ember and Strife

I made these two characters, Ember and Strfie Kumo, and if it isn't obvious, they're brother and sister. Strife is older but that's not the point, so I'm writing a story with them in it right, and I thought I'd just post character renders on. Note that Strife doesn't look exactly like Cloud Strife.

Here's Strife

Here's Ember

And here's Strife and Ember together

I used Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2 to make Ember and Cloud Strife as he is in Kingdom Hearts 2 to make Strife.
Cloud and Rikku are © to Square-Enix
Srife and Ember Kumo and © to Sobou Sachiriku ((me))

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A really kick ass Advent Children trailer

didn't make this movie either but it's really god damn awesome, because of the movie making and because of the song!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Kingdom Hearts Fenrir

Okay, I made my fan character Fenrir in Adobe Photoshop by editing a picture of Namine, here it is. I used parts from Kairi, Aerith, Yuffie, Cloud, Sephiroth and,,,well...Namine. All Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy characters are © to Square-Enix. Fenrir is © to me.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Okay, nobody really reads this blog so I'm gonna use it for my own stuff: A list of all my characters and their weapons.

Fenrir ((Fen-reer)): silver haired green eyed warrior who is a victim of Geostigma ((FF VII Advent Children))
Weapon: Sachiriku ((two serrated katanas 'oni' and 'akumu' put together to form Sachiriku))

Hero ((Heer-oh)): black haired green eyed ex-summoner who dresses in a teal version of Yuna's ((FF X-2)) songstress outfit
Weapon: Storm and Water Wheels ((blue versions of Axel's ((Kingdom Heats 2)) weapon))

Daemon ((Day-men)): Black haired red eyed vampire gunner
Weapon: Dual black and gold guns 'Kyokujitsu'

Leilou ((Lee-loo)): Blonde haired gold eyed half cat thief who dresses in a blue version of Rikku's ((FF X-2)) outfit
Weapon: Wisdom Blades ((blue thief's knives))

Kajin ((Kah-shin)): Black haired green eyed werewolf who dresses in all black all the time
Weapon: Mayonaka ((FF XIII style dual gunblades))

Seleke ((Suh-leek)): gray haired blue eyed were wolf who dresses in gray and white
Weapon: Ameagari ((dual katana sized switch blades attached to the back of his arms ((like blood rayne))